PREPARATION FOR CERTIFICATION. A Fishery or Aquaculture Improvement Project is a supported and robust mechanism to prepare for full assessment. At its conclusion the operation should be a good candidate for MSC or ASC certification. When certified the fishery or farm’s products are recognised as meeting the global best practice standard for responsibly produced, enabling it to access the ecolabels owned by these schemes.
MARKET RECOGNITION. Many companies that have made commitments to sustainable procurement recognise and purchase products from credible improvement projects. It is not unusual for these companies to also have an interest in promoting their partnership with seafood producers in an improvement project as it shows a commitment to producers that are investing in a sustainable future. This can mean great storytelling and visibility of your products.
IMPROVE REPUTATION. As the concept of Improvement Projects has been supported by the environmental community and non-government organisations, your reputation can be enhanced as companies in the seafood sector source and support responsible aquaculture products.
ATTRACT FUNDING. Often improvement projects can apply for financial support for the implementation of their action plans and attract sources of funding from philanthropic and/or seafood companies who wish to invest in sustainable seafood outcomes.